Vol.2 No.2

デグーの視覚記憶による迷路の解決行動について ― デグーは色を手掛かりに初めての迷路を間違えずに解けるか? ―

Vol.2 No.2

 デグー Octodon degus は高い知能を具え,ラット Rattus norvegicus と同程度の空間学習能力を持つことが確認されており(獅々見ら 2015),道具を使う齧歯類としても知られている(Tokimoto & Okanoya 2004;岡ノ谷ら 2008)。




[Supplementary movie files available from the following URLs or QR code]
Movie 1:分岐点数 4 の初めての迷路を解く① https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7GWgnTfCVE
Movie 2:分岐点数 4 の初めての迷路を解く② https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjtQFekameY
Movie 3:分岐点数 4 の初めての迷路を解く③ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C-9Sh8j2-Y
Movie 4:分岐点数 4 の初めての迷路を解く④ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKZ-fLMXLjc


松尾 怜奈・土井 茅早・亀田 葉月・岩下 夏帆・長嶋 哲也


The maze solving behavior of degus is based on visual memory — Can degus utilize color cues to solve mazes for the first time without making mistakes?


The degu, Octoden degus (Molina, 1782) (Rodentia: Octodontidae), is a highly intelligent rodent known to have spatial learning capabilities comparable to that of rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769), as well as possessing the ability to use tools. We attempted to verify whether degu was capable of learning to acquire food by following color-marked pathways in a maze and examined whether they could be taught to
follow a specific color to reach the food without getting lost. As a result, by gradually progressing from a simple maze to a more complex one, degus can memorize the pathways which lead them to food by associating them with blue walls, even in an entirely new layout they had never seen before. Thus, we have proven degus can reach the end goal of a maze, without making any errors, by using color cues within their surroundings to guide them on the correct path.


Reina Matsuo, Chihaya Doi, Hatsuki Kameda, Kaho Iwashita & Tetsuya Nagashima