カワヨシノボリRhinogobius flumineus (Mizuno,1960) は,スズキ目・ハゼ科・ヨシノボリ属に分類される体4–5cm の純淡水性魚類で,日本固有種とされる(水野2001;明仁ら2000)。本種は多くのヨシノボリ類とは異なり,仔魚期に海へ下らずに一生を河川で過ごす(水野 1961)。また,本種には地域によって遺伝子(Groups 1–5, cf. Shimizu et al. 1993)や形態の異なる5 集団(富士型,赤石型,無斑型,斑紋型,壱岐佐賀型,cf. 吉郷2003, 2011)の存在が報告されている。カワヨシノボリの自然分布範囲は富山県神通川付近および静岡県富士川以西の本州,四国,九州北部,対馬,五島列島と考えられている(明仁ら2000;水野2001;鈴木ら2004;藤田2019)。長崎県内においては川棚川,壱岐,五島列島福江島に分布する。ただ,対馬は,明仁ら(2000)によって分布域に含められているものの,詳細な記録はない。
太田 翔・市丸 智規
Phenotype and potential for reproductive isolation of Rhinogobius flumineus in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Unlike many congeners of the genus Rhinogobius Gill (Gobiidae), R. flumineus (Mizuno,1960) is known to complete its life cycle in rivers, or freshwater; therefore, the majority of populations are assumed to have been allopatrically isolated. In Nagasaki Prefecture, this lizard goby was recorded from the Kawatana River system as well as rivers on Iki and Fukue Islands. However, the phenotypes for the populations in the Kawatana River system and Fukue Islands have not been reported thus far. Based on their distribution pattern and behavior, we have unequivocally determined that the population of the Kawatana River system matches the ‘Iki-Saga type’, and the individuals on Fukue Island is considered to represent a new phenotype, namely ‘Goto type.’ Further, egg diameter comparisons and crossbreeding experiments suggest that reproductive isolation appears to have been established between the Iki-Saga type and the Goto type populations.
Kaoru Ohta, Tomonori Ichimaru & Toshiaki Usui