であったフタホシカスミカメ Creontiades bipunctatus Poppius(半翅目:カスミカメムシ科)が複数個体採集された。おそらく,地球温暖化が本種の分布拡大に拍車をかけていると考えられる。本文では,本種を長崎県(九州中部域以北)から初めて記録するとともに,本種の近縁種であるアカホシカスミカメ C. coloripes との区別,および過去に報告のない 4–5 齢幼虫の形態も示した。フタホシカスミカメがいつ頃から長崎県に生息するようになったのかは不明だが,アカホシカスミカメと酷似するため,今後,この類の同定にあたっては注意を払う必要がある。
野口 優太朗・中川 優・小窪 美虹・安永 智秀・田中 清
Continuing field investigations on the heteropteran faunas (2022–2024) conducted by Nagasaki West High School (NWHS) Biology Club at several sites in Nagasaki City, Kyushu, Japan, recently found out two congeners of the mirine plant bug genus Creontiades Distant, 1883 (subfamily Mirinae: tribe Mirini).One of these was determined as a common East Asian species, C. coloripes Hsiao, 1941, whereas the other collected at Konoura area of Nagasaki City was identical to C. bipunctatus Poppius, 1915, which has been reported only from Kagoshima (south of 31°15’N latitude) and Okinawa Prefectures in Japan (Yasunaga 1997, 2001). Due to the great similarity in external appearance, Creontiades bipunctatus and C. coloripes have been be confused with each other (Yasunaga 1997, 2001).
In this paper, we propose additional diagnostic characters for each species, based on detailed examination using a tabletop scanning electron microscope (Hitachi Miniscope® TM4000 plus II). We also document occurrence of Creontiades bipunctatus in the mainland of Nagasaki Prefecture, or central Kyushu area (currently representing its northernmost distributional record), as well as the late immature forms of C. coloripes for the first time. A brief notes on taxonomy and biology are provided for each species.
Specimens examined in this study are deposited in Nagasaki West High School (NWHS), Biology Section. In the synonymic lists, only selected references are cited as comprehensive catalogs are available (Schuh 1995; Kerzhner & Josifov 1999; Schuh 2002–2013; Aukema 2018).
First records of Creontiades bipunctatus (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) and immature forms of C. coloripes in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Yutaro Noguchi, Yu Nakagawa, Miku Kokubo2, Tomohide Yasunaga & Kiyoshi Tanaka