自然環境に乏しい都市環境においても,公園や校庭に人為的に整備された街路樹,公園樹,校庭の樹木などから,多くのカメムシ類が発見されている(cf. 安永ら 2018;浦山ら2019)。筆者らは,浦山ら(2019)を参考に,市街地に立地する長崎県立長崎西高等学校の校庭(長﨑市竹の久保町)において陸棲カメムシ相を調査中(cf. 橋口ら2021),原記載以来ほとんど標本の得られていなかったアカスジメダカカスミカメZanchius quercicola Yasunaga, 1999 が,植栽されたカシワ葉上に多数発生しているのを発見した。本文では,本種を暖温帯気候下(平地)の人為環境から初めて記録するとともに,電子顕微鏡で精査した近縁種との区別点および未知であった生活史と幼生期について報告する。長崎県下においてメダカカスミカメ属(Zanchius)が発見されたのも,今回が初めての例となる。
村山 璃子・久田 茉莉・才木 颯人・口木 孝太郎・吉田 樹生・安永 智秀・長嶋 哲也
Discovery of little known mirid, Zanchius quercicola inhabiting Quercus dentata planted at a campus within urbanized zone of Nagasaki City, Japan (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae)
An orthotyline plant bug, Zanchius quercicola Yasunaga (Miridae, Orthotylinae), is reported from western Kyushu, Japan for the first time; no subsequent information has been available since it was first described based only on two male specimens (Yasunaga, 1999). A population of this little known mirid was found from leaves of Japanese Daimyo Oak, Quercus dentata, that had been planted (on 1 Nov 1978) at urbanized high school campus of Nagasaki City within warm temperate climatic zone (Figs. 1−4), although this species was previously known only from mountainous deciduous forests in Shikoku and Kyushu (cf. Yasunaga, 1999). As Quercus dentata is not indigenous to Nagasaki area, the population found at the high school campus was in all likelihood introduced with the nursery stock, the origin of which however is no longer traced. The bionomics of the mirid was also investigated and we could confirm that: 1) this plant bug species has three generations per year in warm Nagasaki; 2) the first generation hatches in mid spring, and the population gradually increases by late July but tapers in August (Fig. 19, Table 1); 3) the adult stage of the 3rd generation survives until the end of October; and 4) the eggs hibernate. In addition, morphological differences between Z. quercicola (Figs. 14–15) and its assumed closest relative, Z.tarasovi Kerzhner (Figs. 17–18), were reconfirmed and are herein figured with the SEM images.
Riko Murayama, Mari Hisata, Haruto, Saiki, Kotaro Kuchiki, Tatsuki Yoshida, Tomohide Yasunaga & Tetsuya Nagashima